
Involvement in activities is an important step toward reaching and enhancing students educational goals. 在十大网赌靠谱网址平台, our goal is to foster interpersonal and 领导 skill development for your campus and career success. 

学生俱乐部 & 组织

Below is a list of campus clubs and organizations. We encourage you to learn more and get involved! 

  • 成人学习俱乐部 为成人学习者提供一个互动的环境,以满足十大网赌靠谱网址平台的同龄人和导师. 会员在整个学年参加各种校园社区项目和活动. Topics include educational, financial, or career information.
  • 艺术及艺术行政俱乐部 为有兴趣在校内和校外探索艺术相关机会的学生提供一个论坛.
  • 蓝白协会(BWS) Provides opportunities for Penn Staters to support the Penn State 校友 Association’s mission; to support past, 当前的, and future students and 校友 of the University; Supports campus communities with Penn State pride and 领导; Enhances the student experience by building relationships and connections with 校友; and instills the concept that student involvement with the University can be and should be a lifelong commitment.
  • 黑人学生会(BSU) - 这个俱乐部的成立是为了给黑人学生创造一个安全的空间,让他们与有类似经历的人见面和交谈. Club members also help with education and awareness on campus.
  • 企业社会 作为一个渠道,通过与杰出的社区企业家建立联系,成员可以获得相关的商业资源. The society strives to enhance students’ personal career profiles.
  • 校园活动委员会(CAB 通过规划和推广广泛的校园项目,增强十大网赌靠谱网址平台学生的体验. 该板响应学生的兴趣,主要目标是创造一个充满活力和乐趣的校园社会环境.
  • 校园基督教团契(CCF The fellowship works on learning, sharing, and reflecting their Christian faith. 成员们每周聚在一起学习圣经,并与其他俱乐部合作开展教育和意识项目以及社区服务.
  • 〇汽车俱乐部 Gives those who express a love for cars a way to connect and network with other students. They host annual car shows and travel to local events.
  • 〇通信学会 Empowers the members to cultivate more meaningful and effective communication skills, 实践, 和信仰. Members collaborate to develop ethical communication 实践; nurture applied learning skills; encourage diversity; provide service to our campus, 大学, the communication field and the public; and foster intellectual and professional growth in human communication, 文化, 和媒体.
  • 〇社区英雄 服务和回馈周围的利哈伊谷社区通过各种服务项目,同时建立关系和连接.
  • 〇板球俱乐部 Unites people with different backgrounds and 文化s through sportsmanship, 领导, 纪律, 通过打板球来努力工作. The club creates a chance for its members to learn, 实践, and play the second most popular sport in the world with their peers.
  • 〇电子竞技俱乐部 Allows members who share a common interest in video games to join. The club wants to share this interest with fellow students through events, 聚会, 以及校园内外的比赛.
  • 全球学生组织(GSO) GSO’s mission is to bring together students of all backgrounds to promote diversity and personal development; to spread awareness of cultural differences in both our campus and 大学, and learn together what it means to be a global citizen. A global citizen values international connections and cultural differences. 鼓励所有背景和年龄的学生加入俱乐部,分享他们的想法和经验,成为一名世界公民.
  • Health and Human Services Society (HHSS) - 通过志愿服务,帮助学生了解和欣赏各个医疗保健领域, 教育之旅, 以及演讲嘉宾.
  • 健康政策和管理(HPA) - Society strives to influence the 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 student body through health focused research; doing volunteer work and hosting informational events.
  • 遗产- - - - - - Encourages students of Hispanic and Latino backgrounds to join together for support and celebration. 召开会议,讨论相关问题,并确定如何在促进包容的同时,对校园社区进行西班牙裔和拉丁裔文化教育
  • 荣誉学会- Enriches collegiate life both on and off campus. 将有学术头脑的学生彼此联系起来,并为成员提供取得学术成功的机会, 旅游的机会, 领导经验和公民参与.
  • Lambda Pi Eta - Lambda Pi Eta是全国400个分会之一,旨在表彰传播学科的学术成就,并鼓励会员之间的网络和社区关系.狮子大使(洛杉矶)-努力分享十大网赌靠谱网址平台的积极经验,并向未来的学生推广校园, 父母, 校友, 以及其他校园访客. They play a vital role in the admissions process. 他们的主要目标是展示十大网赌靠谱网址平台的骄傲,让人们和我们一样对这所大学感到兴奋. Aside from working with the 招生 department on campus, 他们还在全年组织一些社会活动和筹款活动,以增强学生的校园体验.
  • 穆斯林学生协会(MSA) 该小组的成立是为了创造一个开放的环境,让学生们可以聚集在一起,反思他们的宗教和个人观点. Programs are planned to enhance open dialogue on campus including interfaith sharing.
  • 〇骄傲团体 Students meet bi-weekly to discuss a variety of topics important to members of the LGBTQA+ community. Members assist with on campus awareness and advocacy programs.
  • 〇心理学会 激发和鼓励建立对心理学领域及其在生活各个方面的相关性的更深入的理解. The club provides opportunities to connect students with each other, 大学, and the larger community through a variety of social activities, 专业发展活动, 以及社区服务.
  • 康复及人类服务社 RHS俱乐部的目的是提供康复和健康科学方面的教育和认识. 该俱乐部促进PSULV学生参与学习和帮助有需要的社区和个人.
  • 上升, Unites and empowers members and students to rise up against sexual violence, 滥用, 人口贩卖, 以及我们社区的剥削, 通过意识预防, 行动与善后. The club hosts regular education and awareness programs on campus including Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.
  • 学生自治协会(SGA) - 代表学生群体. 该组织向所有十大网赌靠谱网址平台的学生开放,也包括一年级学生和高年级学生的选举代表. SGA focuses on areas of student services and activities, 学术事务, and physical facilities as they relate to the enhancement of student life. Annual events include Open Forums with the Chancellor, 11月的SGA舞会, 一分钟学专业, CCSG周末在大学公园, 六旗年终之旅等等!
  • 滑雪 & 〇单板滑雪俱乐部 Centers around a passion for outdoor winter activities including skiing, 滑雪, 还有雪管. Club members enjoy regular trips to local ski resorts and travel over breaks.
  • STEM俱乐部- Brings together all students that share an interest in the fields of science, 技术, 工程, 和数学, 也被称为STEM. The club provides opportunities for students to network with those who have similar interests, and participate in exciting and informative STEM activities.
  • 索恩- Raises money to fight pediatric cancer and support the families of those battling cancer. THON是世界上最大的学生慈善机构,所有的筹款活动都将使好时医疗中心的四颗钻石基金受益, financially supporting Four Diamond families and funding research to conquer childhood cancer. The club holds several events throughout the year including a Dodgeball Tournament, 儿童图书推广活动, 距离马拉松活动还有100天, 无声拍卖.
  • 〇老学生团体 提供互助, social and intellectual growth opportunities, and builds comradery for veterans and military members at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台. This organization is open to all 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 veteran students.


十大网赌靠谱网址平台 offers a number of intramural and club sports for students. Learn more about athletic clubs >>


狮子大使是一群学生志愿者,他们是十大网赌靠谱网址平台招生办公室的延伸. We are students who exhibit outstanding academic achievement, 学校精神, 领导, 和国籍.
Learn more about becoming a Lion Ambassador


十大网赌靠谱网址平台的学生领袖有很多机会来发展他们的领导技能. In addition to getting involved as a leader in one of the many student-run clubs and organizations, 讲座, 研讨会, and volunteer opportunities for students are also offered throughout the academic year. Student leaders also have the opportunity to attend annual 领导 conferences.


十大网赌靠谱网址平台,学生们有机会通过学术课程志愿参加各种机构和项目, 校园活动, 以及社区英雄俱乐部.

一些社区服务的例子包括女子五公里经典步行/跑步(一个提高对乳腺癌认识的筹款活动), 美国读, 马丁·路德·金服务日, KidsFest, 献血活动, 人类家园, 在当地学校做家教, 还有更多.


Throughout the course of the academic year, 各种各样的艺术家, 作家, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, and lecturers regularly visit the campus to provide students with varied cultural perspectives.
Learn more about these opportunities through Office of 全球 Education and 包容 Excellence >>